30th Mar 21

Portrait Photos

My team and I had the delightful opportunity to photograph Jasmine while she practiced her calligraphy. We set up our session indoors, creating a comfortable and focused environment perfect for capturing the intricate details of her art. The room was filled with natural light, which highlighted the elegance of her work.

As we photographed Jasmine, we were captivated by her concentration and skill. She moved gracefully, her brush gliding effortlessly across the paper. Each stroke was precise and purposeful, revealing her dedication and passion for calligraphy. The process was mesmerizing, and we were able to capture some truly beautiful moments.

By the end of the session, Jasmine had created several exquisite purple and white flowers. The delicate petals and subtle shading showcased her talent and creativity. The final pieces were stunning, and it was a pleasure to capture the artistry and beauty of Jasmine's calligraphy. These images will serve as a wonderful reminder of her skill and the serene atmosphere of the day.